
Generate a list from PubMed (somewhat incomplete), ResearcherID, or ORCID (0000-0002-0045-1851).

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Rick Rodrigues de Mercado , Klara Beslmuller , Daan Vorselen , Erik Danen , and Thomas Schmidt.
Single-Cell Stress Analysis in Tumoroids. bioRxiv 2024/576025.
Lanpeng Chen, Gangyin Zhao, Marta De Menna, Stefano Coppola, Nick Landman, Sebastiaan Schieven, Arwin Groenewoud, George N. Thalmann, Thomas Schmidt, Jelle de Vries, Marianna Kruithof-de Julio, Ewa B. Snaar-Jagalska.
Mechano-signaling of prostate tumor initiating cells facilitates their tropism to stiff metastatic niche. bioRxiv 2023.08.28.553410.
Julia Eckert, Volha Matylitskaya, Stephan Kasemann, Stefan Partel, and Thomas Schmidt.
Cell-Cell Separation Device: measurement of intercellular detachment forces. bioRxiv 2023/532950.
Maria Mytiliniou, Joeri A.J. Wondergem, Marleen Feliksik, Thomas Schmidt, Doris Heinrich.
Effect of G4C2-Repeat Expansions on the Motion of Lysosomes Inside Neurites. bioRxiv 2021.10.29.466472.
Ilaria Carnevale, Mjriam Capula, Elisa Giovannetti, Thomas Schmidt, Stefano Coppola.
A mechanical memory of pancreatic cancer cells. bioRxiv 730960.
Hedde van Hoorn, Dominique M. Donato, H. Emrah Balcioglu, Erik H. Danen, Thomas Schmidt.
p130Cas contributes to cellular mechanosensing and force exertion. bioRxiv 371021.

Published Papers

Alessandro Gregori, Cecilia Bergonzini, Mjriam Capula, Rick Rodrigues de Mercado, Erik H. J. Danen, Elisa Giovannetti and Thomas Schmidt. (2024)
Altered Mechanobiology of PDAC Cells with Acquired Chemoresistance to Gemcitabine and Paclitaxel.
Cancers 16:3863. [DOI]
Liao CY, Engelberts P, Ioan-Facsinay A, Klip JE, Schmidt T, Ruijtenbeek R, Danen EHJ. (2024)
CD3-engaging bispecific antibodies trigger a paracrine regulated wave of T-cell recruitment for effective tumor killing.
Commun Biol. 7:983. [DOI]
Bergonzini C, Gregori A, Hagens TMS, van der Noord VE, van de Water B, Zweemer AJM, Coban B, Capula M, Mantini G, Botto A, Finamore F, Garajova I, McDonnell LA, Schmidt T, Giovannetti E, Danen EHJ. (2024)
ABCB1 overexpression through locus amplification represents an actionable target to combat paclitaxel resistance in pancreatic cancer cells.
J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 43:4. [DOI]
Che, P. P., A. Gregori, C. Bergonzini, M. Ali, G. Mantini, T. Schmidt, F. Finamore, S. M. F. Rodrigues, A. E. Frampton, L. A. McDonnell, E. H. Danen, B. J. Slotman, P. Sminia and E. Giovannetti. (2024)
Differential sensitivity to ionizing radiation in gemcitabine- and paclitaxel-resistant pancreatic cancer cells. J Rad Oncology 1181328-1343.
Duranti, C., J. Iorio, G. Bagni, G. C. Altadonna, T. Fillion, M. Lulli, F. N. D’Alessandro, A. Montalbano, E. Lastraioli, D. Fanelli, S. Coppola, T. Schmidt, F. Piazza, A. Becchetti and A. Arcangeli. (2023)
Integrins regulate hERG1 dynamics by girdin-dependent Gαi3: signaling and modeling in cancer cells. Life Science Alliance 7:e202302135.
Julia Eckert, Benoit Ladoux, Luca Giomi, Thomas Schmidt. (2023)
Hexanematic crossover in epithelial monolayers depends on cell adhesion and cell density. Nature Communications 14:5762.
[DOI] [data]
Gregori, A.; Bergonzini, C.; Capula, M.; Mantini, G.; Khojasteh-Leylakoohi, F.; Comandatore, A.; Khalili-Tanha, G.; Khooei, A.; Morelli, L.; Avan, A.; Danen, E.H.; Schmidt, T.; Giovannetti, E. (2023)
Prognostic Significance of Integrin Subunit Alpha 2 (ITGA2) and Role of Mechanical Cues in Resistance to Gemcitabine in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Cancers 15, 628.
Hayri E Balcioglu, Rolf Harkes, Erik Danen, Thomas Schmidt. (2022)
Substrate rigidity modulates traction forces and stoichiometry of cell matrix adhesions. J. Chem. Phys. 156, 085101.
Radoslaw J. Gora, Babette de Jong, Patrick van Hage, Mary Ann Rhiemus, Fjodor van Steenis, John van Noort, Thomas Schmidt, Marcel J.M. Schaaf. (2022)
Analysis of the H-Ras mobility pattern in vivo shows cellular heterogeneity inside epidermal tissue. Dis Model Mech 15 dmm.049099.
[DOI] [First Person]
Maria Mytiliniou, Joeri A. J. Wondergem, Thomas Schmidt, Doris Heinrich. (2022)
Impact of neurite alignment on organelle motion. J. R. Soc. Interface 19:20210617.
[DOI] [data]
Rick Rodrigues de Mercado, Hedde van Hoorn, Martin de Valois, Claude Backendorf, Julia Eckert, Thomas Schmidt. (2022). Characterization of Cell-Induced Astigmatism in High-Resolution Imaging. Biomedical Optics Express, 13, 464-473.
Julia Eckert, Yasmine Abouleila, Thomas Schmidt, Alireza Mashaghi. (2021). Single cell micro-pillar-based characterization of endothelial and fibroblast cell mechanics. Micro, 1, 242-249.
Arslan, F. N., J. Eckert, T. Schmidt, and C. P. Heisenberg. (2021). Holding it together: when cadherin meets cadherin., Biophysical Journal, 120, 4182-4192.
[DOI] [pdf]
Eckert, J., J. van Loon, L. M. Eng, and T. Schmidt. (2021). Hypergravity affects cell traction forces of fibroblasts., Biophysical Journal, 120, 773-780.
[DOI] [pdf]
Schakenraad K., Ernst J., Pomp W., Schmidt T., Giomi L. (2020). Mechanical interplay between cell shape and actin cytoskeleton organization., Soft Matter, 16, 6328-6343.
[DOI] [pdf]
Iendaltseva O, Orlova VV, Mummery CL, Danen EHJ, Schmidt T. (2020). Fibronectin Patches as Anchoring Points for Force Sensing and Transmission in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Pericytes., Stem Cell Reports, 14, 1107-1122.
[DOI] [pdf]
Wang, W., A. Zuidema, L. te Molder, L. Nahidiazar, L. Hoekman, T. Schmidt, S. Coppola, and A. Sonnenberg. (2020). Hemidesmosomes modulate force generation via focal adhesions., J Cell Biology, 219, e201904137.
[DOI] [pdf]
Coppola S, Schmidt T, Ruocco G, Antonacci G. (2019). Quantifying cellular forces and biomechanical properties by correlative micropillar traction force and Brillouin microscopy., Biomed Opt Expr, 5, 2202-2212.
[DOI] [pdf]
Firuzi O, Che PP, El Hassouni B, Buijs M, Coppola S, Löhr M, Funel N, Heuchel R, Carnevale I, Schmidt T, Mantini G, Avan A, Saso L, Peters GJ, Giovannetti E. (2019). Role of c-MET Inhibitors in Overcoming Drug Resistance in Spheroid Models of Primary Human Pancreatic Cancer and Stellate Cells., Cancers, 11, E638.
[DOI] [pdf]
Keizer VIP, Coppola S, Houtsmuller AB, Geverts B, van Royen ME, Schmidt T, Schaaf MJM. (2019). Repetitive switching between DNA-binding modes enables target finding by the glucocorticoid receptor., J Cell Sci, 132, jcs217455.
[DOI] [pdf]
Manoli S, Coppola S, Duranti C, Lulli M, Magni L, Kuppalu N, Nielsen N, Schmidt T, Schwab A, Becchetti A, Arcangeli A. (2019). The Activity of Kv 11.1 Potassium Channel Modulates F-Actin Organization During Cell Migration of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells., Cancers, 11, 135.
[DOI] [pdf]
Pomp W, Schakenraad K, Balcıoğlu HE, van Hoorn H, Danen EHJ, Merks RMH, Schmidt T, Giomi L. (2018). Cytoskeletal Anisotropy Controls Geometry and Forces of Adherent Cells., Phys. Rev. Lett, 121, 178101.
[DOI] [pdf]
Coppola S, Carnevale I, Danen EHJ, Peters GJ, Schmidt T, Assaraf YG, Giovannetti E (2017). A mechanopharmacology approach to overcome chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer., Drug Resist. Updat., 31, 43-51.
[DOI] [pdf]
Richter D, Moraga I, Winkelmann H, Birkholz O, Wilmes S, Schulte M, Kraich M, Kenneweg H, Beutel O, Selenschik P, Paterok D, Gavutis M, Schmidt T, Garcia KC, Müller TD, Piehler J (2017). Ligand-induced type II interleukin-4 receptor dimers are sustained by rapid re-association within plasma membrane microcompartments., Nat Commun, 8, 15976.
[DOI] [pdf]
Becchetti A, Crescioli S, Zanieri F, Petroni G, Mercatelli R, Coppola S, Gasparoli L, D’Amico M, Pillozzi S, Crociani O, Stefanini M, Fiore A, Carraresi L, Morello V, Manoli S, Brizzi MF, Ricci D, Rinaldi M, Masi A, Schmidt T, Quercioli F, Defilippi P, Arcangeli A. (2017). The conformational state of hERG1 channels determines integrin association, downstream signaling, and cancer progression., Science Signaling, 10, eaaf3236.
[DOI] [pdf]
Askes SH, Leeuwenburgh VC, Pomp W, Arjmandi-Tash H, Tanase S, Schmidt T, Bonnet S (2017). Water-Dispersible Silica-Coated Upconverting Liposomes: Can a Thin Silica Layer Protect TTA-UC against Oxygen Quenching?, ACS Biomater Sci Eng, 3, 322-334.
[DOI] [pdf]
Askes SH, Pomp W, Hopkins SL, Kros A, Wu S, Schmidt T, Bonnet S (2016). Imaging Upconverting Polymersomes in Cancer Cells: Biocompatible Antioxidants Brighten Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Upconversion., Small, 12, 5579-5590.
[DOI] [pdf]
Moeton M, Stassen OM, Sluijs JA, van der Meer VW, Kluivers LJ, van Hoorn H, Schmidt T, Reits EA, van Strien ME, Hol EM (2016). GFAP isoforms control intermediate filament network dynamics, cell morphology, and focal adhesions., Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 73, 4101-20.
[DOI] [pdf]
Apetri MM, Harkes R, Subramaniam V, Canters GW, Schmidt T, Aartsma TJ (2016). Direct Observation of α-Synuclein Amyloid Aggregates in Endocytic Vesicles of Neuroblastoma Cells., PLoS ONE, 11, e0153020.
[DOI] [pdf]
Beletkaia, E., S. F. Fenz, W. Pomp, B. E. Snaar-Jagalska, P. W. C. Hogendoorn, and T. Schmidt (2016). CXCR4 signaling is controlled by immobilization at the plasma membrane., BBA – Mol Cell Res, 1863, 607-616.
[DOI] [pdf]
Tulotta C, Stefanescu C, Beletkaia E, Bussmann J, Tarbashevich K, Schmidt T, Snaar-Jagalska BE (2016). Inhibition of cross-species CXCR4 signaling by the small molecule IT1t impairs triple negative breast cancer early metastases in zebrafish., Dis Model Mech, 9, 141-153.
[DOI] [pdf]
Sand LG, Scotlandi K, Berghuis D, Snaar-Jagalska BE, Picci P, Schmidt T, Szuhai K, Hogendoorn PC (2015) CXCL14, CXCR7 expression and CXCR4 splice variant ratio associate with survival and metastases in Ewing sarcoma patients., Eur. J. Cancer, 51, 2624-33.
[DOI] [pdf]
Harkes R, Keizer VI, Schaaf MJ, Schmidt T (2015) Depth-of-Focus Correction in Single-Molecule Data Allows Analysis of 3D Diffusion of the Glucocorticoid Receptor in the Nucleus., PLoS ONE, 10, e0141080.
[DOI] [pdf]
Sand LG, Jochemsen AG, Beletkaia E, Schmidt T, Hogendoorn PC, Szuhai K (2015) Novel splice variants of CXCR4 identified by transcriptome sequencing., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 466, 89-94.
[DOI] [pdf]
S.H.C. Askes,N.L. Mora, R. Harkes, R.I. Koning, B. Koster, T. Schmidt, A. Kros & S. Bonnet (2015) Imaging the lipid bilayer of giant unilamellar vesicles using red-to-blue light upconversion., Chem. Comm., 51, 9137.
[DOI] [pdf]
A. Pezzarossa, F. Zosel & T. Schmidt. (2015) Visualization of HRas Domains in the Plasma Membrane of Fibroblasts., Biophys. J., 108, 1870.
[DOI] [pdf]
H.E. Balcioglu, H. van Hoorn, D.M. Donato, T. Schmidt and E.H.J. Danen. (2015) The integrin expression profile modulates orientation and dynamics of force transmission at cell–matrix adhesions., J Cell Science, 128, 1316.
[DOI] [pdf]
Jansen KA, Donato DM, Balcioglu HE, Schmidt T, Danen EH, Koenderink GH (2015) A guide to mechanobiology: Where biology and physics meet., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1853, 3043-52.
[DOI] [pdf]
S Coppola, G Caracciolo and T Schmidt. (2014) Exact occupation probabilities for intermittent transport and application to image correlation spectroscopy., New J. Phys., 16, 113057.
[DOI] [pdf]
Sachse R, Dondapati SK, Fenz SF, Schmidt T & Kubick S. (2014) Membrane protein synthesis in cell-free systems: From bio-mimetic systems to bio-membranes., FEBS Lett., 588, 2774-81.
[DOI] [pdf]
Hedde van Hoorn, Rolf Harkes, Ewa M. Spiesz, Cornelis Storm, Danny van Noort, Benoit Ladoux, and Thomas Schmidt (2014) The Nanoscale Architecture of Force-Bearing Focal Adhesions., Nano Lett., 14, 4257–4262.
[DOI] [pdf]
M.E. van Royen, W.A. van Cappellen, B. Geverts, T. Schmidt, A.B. Houtsmuller and M.J. Schaaf. (2014) Androgen receptor complexes probe DNA for recognition sequences by short random interactions., J. Cell Sci., 127, 1406-16.
[DOI] [pdf]
F.L. Groeneweg, M.E. van Royen, S. Fenz, V. Keizer, B. Geverts, J. Prins, E.R. de Kloet, A.B. Houtsmuller, T. Schmidt & M.J. Schaaf. (2014) Quantitation of Glucocorticoid Receptor DNA-Binding Dynamics by Single-Molecule Microscopy and FRAP., PLoS One, 9, e90532.
[DOI] [pdf]
S.F. Fenz, R. Sachse, T. Schmidt & S. Kubick (2014) Cell-free synthesis of membrane proteins: Tailored cell models out of microsomes., Biochim Biophys Acta., 1838, 1382-8.
[DOI] [pdf]
O. Beutel, J. Nikolaus, O. Birkholz, C. You, T. Schmidt, A. Herrmann and J. Piehler. (2014) High-fidelity protein targeting into membrane lipid microdomains in living cells., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl., 53, 1311-1315.
[DOI] [pdf]
B.E. Snaar-Jagalska, A. Cambi, T. Schmidt & S. de Keijzer. (2013) Single-molecule imaging technique to study the dynamic regulation of GPCR function at the plasma membrane., Methods Enzymol., 521, 47-67.
[DOI] [pdf]
S.F. Fenz, A. Pezzarossa and T. Schmidt (2012) The Basics and Potential of Single-Molecule Tracking in Cellular Biophysics., In: Edward H. Egelman, editor: Comprehensive Biophysics – Biophysical Techniques, 2, 260-272.
Anna Pezzarossa, Susanne Fenz & Thomas Schmidt (2011) Probing Structure and Dynamics of the Cell Membrane with Single Fluorescent Prot, Springer Series on Fluorescence, Ed.: G. Jung, 113.
Tobias Meckel, Stefan Semrau, Marcel Schaaf & Thomas Schmidt (2011) Robust assessment of protein complex formation in vivo via single molecule inten, J. Biomed. Opt, 16, 076016.
[DOI] [pdf]
Arnauld Serge, Sandra de Keijzer, Freek Van Hemert, Mark R. Hickman, Dale Hereld, Thomas Schmidt and B. Ewa Snaar-Jagaska (2011) Quantification of GPCR internalization by single-molecule microscopy in living cells., Integrative Biology, 3, 675-683.
[DOI] [pdf]
Marcel J. M. Schaaf & Thomas Schmidt (2011) In Vivo Single-Molecule Microscopy Using the Zebrafish Model System., in Y. Sako & M. Ueda (eds.), Cell Signaling Reactions: Single-Molecular Kinetic.
[DOI] [pdf]
Stefan Semrau, Laurent Holtzer, Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan & Thomas Schmidt (2011) Quantification of biological interactions with Particle Image Cross Correlation, Biophys. J, 100, 1810-8.
[DOI] [pdf]
Stefan Semrau, Anna Pezzarossa & Thomas Schmidt (2011) Microsecond Single-Molecule Tracking (usSMT)., Biophys. Lett, 100, L19-L21.
[DOI] [pdf]
Anna Kicheva, Laurent Holtzer, Ortrud Wartlick, Thomas Schmidt & Marcos Gonzále (2010) Quantitative Imaging of Morphogen Gradients in Drosophila Imaginal Discs., in Imaging in Developmental Biology: A Laboratory Manual. Chap.37, CSHL Press.
Paige Shaklee, Timon Idema, Marileen Dogterom, Cees Storm & Thomas Schmidt (2010) Kinesin recycling in stationary membrane tubes., Biophys. J, 99, 1835-1841.
[DOI] [pdf]
Stefan Semrau, Marilyn Monster, Matthijs van der Knaap, Bobby Florea, Thomas Schmidt and Mark Overhand (2010) Membrane lysis by gramicidin S visualized in red blood cells and giant vesicles., BBA Biomembranes, 1798, 2033-2039.
[DOI] [pdf]
Freek van Hemert, Milena Lazova, B.Ewa Snaar-Jagalska & Thomas Schmidt (2010) Mobility of G proteins is heterogeneous and polarized during chemotaxis., J. Cell Sci, 123, 2922-30.
[DOI] [pdf]
Timon Idema, Stefan Semrau, Cornelis Storm & Thomas Schmidt (2010) Membrane mediated sorting., Phys. Rev. Lett, 104, 198102-1:4.
[DOI] [pdf]
Paige M. Shaklee, Stefan Semrau, Stefan Kubick, Marileen Dogterom & Thomas Schmidt (2010) Protein incorporation in giant vesicles under physiological conditions., Chem. Bio. Chem, 11, 175:179.
[DOI] [pdf]
Paige M. Shaklee, Line Bourel-Bonnet, Marileen Dogterom & Thomas Schmidt (2010) Nonprocessive motor dynamics at the microtubule membrane tube interface., Biophys. J, 98, 93-100.
[DOI] [pdf]
Wiepke J A Koopmans and Ruth Buning and Thomas Schmidt and John van Noort (2009) spFRET using Alternating Excitation and FCS reveals Progressive DNA Unwrapping i, Biophys J, July, In print, x-x.
[DOI] [pdf]
Marcel J M Schaaf, Wiepke J A Koopmans, Tobias Meckel, John van Noort, B. Ewa Snaar-Jagalska, Thomas Schmidt and Herman P Spaink (2009) Single-molecule microscopy reveals membrane microdomain organization of cells in, Biophys J, Aug, 97, 1206–1214.
[DOI] [pdf]
Stefan Semrau & Thomas Schmidt (2009) Membrane heterogeneity – from lipid domains to curvature effects., Soft Matter, 5, 3174:3186.
[DOI] [pdf]
Henriette Jensenius, Dionne C.G. Klein, Martin van Hecke, Tjerk H. Oosterkamp, Thomas Schmidt and Jens C. Jensenius. (2009) Mannan-Binding Lectin: Structure, Oligomerization and Flexibility Studied by Ato, J. Mol. Biol, 391, 246:259.
[DOI] [pdf]
Laurent Holtzer & Thomas Schmidt (2009) Tracking of Individual Molecules in Cells and Tissue., Single Particle Tracking and Single Molecule Energy Transfer, C. Bräuchle, D.C., -.
Stefan Semrau, Timon Idema, Thomas Schmidt & Cornelis Strom (2009) Membrane mediated interactions measured using membrane domains, Biophys. J, 96, 4906:4915.
[DOI] [pdf]
Thomas Schmidt & Gerhard Schütz (2009) Single Molecule Analysis of Biomembranes., Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics, A. van Oijen & P. Hinterdorfer (eds.), , 19-42.
Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Paulo, Alexander Gaiduk, Florian Kulzer, Gabby Krens, Herman P. Spaink, Thomas Schmidt and Michel Orrit. (2009) Photothermal Correlation Spectroscopy of Gold Nanoparticles in Solution., J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 11451:11457.
[DOI] [pdf]
Wiepke J A Koopmans and Thomas Schmidt and John van Noort (2008) Nucleosome immobilization strategies for single-pair FRET microscopy., Chemphyschem, Oct, 9, 2002–2009.
[DOI] [pdf]
Florian Kulzer, Thomas Schmidt, Michel Orrit & Herman P. Spaink (2008) Photothermal Detection of Individual Gold Nanoparticles: Perspectives for High-T, Chem. Phys. Chem, 9, 1761-6.
[DOI] [pdf]
S.F.Gabby Krens, Shuning He, Gerda E.M. Lamers, Annemarie H. Meijer, Jeroen Bakkers, Thomas Schmidt, Herman P. Spaink and B. Ewa Snaar-Jagalskaa. (2008) Distinct functions for ERK1 and ERK2 in cell migration processes during zebrafish, Dev. Biol, 319, 370-83.
[DOI] [pdf]
Sandra de Keijzer, Arnauld Serge, Freek van Hemert, Piet Lommerse, Gerda Lamers, Herman P. Spaink, Thomas Schmidt and B. Ewa Snaar-Jagalska. (2008) A Spatially Restricted Increase in Receptor Mobility is Involved in Directional Sensing., J. Cell Sci, 121, 1750-7.
[DOI] [pdf]
Paige Shaklee, Timon Idema, Gerbrand Koster, Cees Storm, Thomas Schmidt and Marileen Dogterom. (2008) Bidirectional membrane tube dynamics driven by nonprocessive motors., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 105, 7993-7997.
[DOI] [pdf]
Stefan Semrau, Timon Idema, Laurent Holtzer, Thomas Schmidt and Cees Storm (2008) Accurate determination of elastic parameters for multi-component membranes., Phys. Rev. Lett, 100, 088101-4.
[DOI] [pdf]
Sandra de Keijzer and Thomas Schmidt (2008) Single-molecule imaging of cellular signaling in vivo., in Single Molecules and Nanotechnology, Springer Series in Biophysics, R. Rigle, 12, 107-129.
W. J A Koopmans and A. Brehm and C. Logie and T. Schmidt and J. van Noort (2007) Single-pair FRET microscopy reveals mononucleosome dynamics., J Fluoresc, Nov, 17, 785–795.
[DOI] [pdf]
Belinda Haupt, Matthew Osbourn, Rudolf Spanhoff, Sandra de Keijzer, Annette Müller-Taubenberger, B. Ewa Snaar-Jagalska and Thomas Schmidt (2007) Asymmetric Elastic Properties of Dictyostelium Discoideum Relates to Chemotaxis., Langmuir, 23, 9352-7.
[DOI] [pdf]
Laurent Holtzer, Tobias Meckel, and Thomas Schmidt (2007) Nanometric three-dimensional tracking of individual quantum dots in cells., Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 053902..
[DOI] [pdf]
Stefan Semrau and Thomas Schmidt (2007) Particle image correlation spectroscopy (PICS). Retrieving nanometer-scale corre, Biophys J., 92, 613..
[DOI] [pdf]
Lommerse PH, Vastenhoud K, Pirinen NJ, Magee AI, Spaink HP, Schmidt T (2006) Single-molecule diffusion reveals similar mobility for the Lck, H-ras, and K-ras, Biophys J, 91, 1090-7.
[DOI] [pdf]
Piet H.M. Lommerse, B. Ewa Snaar-Jagalska, Herman P. Spaink and Thomas Schmidt (2005) Single-Molecule Diffusion Measurements of H_Ras at the Plasma Membrane of Live C, J.Cell Sci, 118, 1799.
[DOI] [pdf]
Schmauder, R, Librizzi, F, Canters, GW, Schmidt, T, Aartsma, TJ (2005) The oxidation state of a protein observed molecule-by-molecule, ChemPhysChem, 6, 1381-1386.
Schmauder, R, Alagaratnam, S, Chan, C, Schmidt, T, Canters, GW, Aartsma, TJ (2005) Sensitive detection of the redox state of copper proteins using, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 10, 683-687.
[DOI] [pdf]
Martijn J. van Hemert, Maarten Niemantsverdriet, Thomas Schmidt, Claude Backend (2004) Isoform-specific differences in rapid nucleocytoplasmic shuttling cause distinct, J.Cell Sci, 117, 1411.
[DOI] [pdf]
Gerhard A. Blab, Thomas Schmidt, and Mats Nilsson (2004) Homogeneous detection of single rolling circle replication products, Anal.Chem, 76, 495.
[DOI] [pdf]
P.H.M. Lommerse, H.P. Spaink and T. Schmidt (2004) In vivo plasma membrane organization: results of biophysical approaches, BBA, 1664, 119.
[DOI] [pdf]
Gerhard A. Blab, Silke Oellerich, Reinier Schumm, and Thomas Schmidt (2004) Wide-Field Imaging and Spectroscopy of Localized Fluorophores, Opt.Lett, 29, 727.
[DOI] [pdf]
Piet H.M. Lommerse, Gerhard A. Blab, Laurent Cognet, Gregory S. Harms, Ewa B. Snaar-Jagalska, Herman P. Spaink, Thomas Schmidt. (2004) Single-molecule imaging of lipid-anchored proteins reveals domains in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the cell membrane., Biophys.J, 86, 609.
[DOI] [pdf]
Gradinaru, CC, Martinsson, P, Aartsma, TJ, Schmidt, T (2004) Simultaneous atomic-force and two-photon fluorescence imaging of, ULTRAMICROSCOPY, 99, 235-245.
C.K. Riener, G. Kada, C. Borken, F. Kienberger, P. Hinterdorfer, H. Schindler, T. Schmidt and H. Gruber. (2002) Bioconjugation for biospecific detection of single molecules in atomic force microscopy and single-dye tracing., Recent Research Developments in Bioconjugate Chemistry, 1, 133.
Ralf Schmauder, Thomas Schmidt, Jan Pieter Abrahams and Maxim E. Kuil (2002) Screening crystallisation conditions using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Acta Cryst.D, 58, 1536.
[DOI] [pdf]
Thomas Schmidt, et al. (2002) Datasheet: Photostability Data for Fluorescent Dyes – an update., Single Molecules, 3, 327.
Gerhard A. Blab, Piet H.M. Lommerse, Laurent Cognet, Gregory S. Harms, and Thomas Schmidt. (2001) Two-Photon Excitation Action Cross-Sections of the Autofluorescent Proteins., Chem.Phys.Lett, 350, 71.
[DOI] [pdf]
Werner Trabesinger, Bert Hecht, Urs P. Wild, Gerhard J. Schütz, Hansgeorg Schindler and Thomas Schmidt. (2001) Statistical Analysis of Single Molecule Assays., Anal.Chem, 73, 1100.
[DOI] [pdf]
G.S. Harms, L. Cognet, G.A. Blab, P.H.M. Lommerse, H.P. Spaink and Th.Schmidt (2001) Autofluorescent Proteins in Single-Molecule Research, Biophys.J, 80, 2396.
[DOI] [pdf]
G.S. Harms, L. Cognet, G.A. Blab, P.H.M. Lommerse, H. Kahr, R. Gamsjäger, Herman P. Spaink, Nikolai M. Soldatov, Christoph Romanin and Thomas Schmidt. (2001) Single-Molecule Imaging of L-type Ca2+, Channels in Live Cells., Biophys.J, 81, 2639.
[DOI] [pdf]
Thomas Schmidt (2001) Datasheet: Photostability Data for Fluorescent Dyes, Single Molecules, 2, 217.
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Klaus J. F. Kepplinger, Heike Kahr, Günter Förstner, Max Sonnleitner, Hansgeorg Schindler, Thomas Schmidt, Klaus Groschner, Nikolai M Soldatov, Christoph Romanin. (2000) A sequence in the carboxy-terminus of the α1C subunit important for targeting, conductance and open probability of L-type Ca2+ channels, FEBS Lett, 477, 161.
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L. Cognet, G.S. Harms, G.A. Blab, P.H.M. Lommerse and Th.Schmidt (2000) Simultaneous ‘dual-color and dual- polarization’ imaging of single molecules, Appl.Phys.Lett, 77, 4052.
[DOI] [pdf]
Th. Schmidt and H. Schindler (2000) Analytical Chemistry and Biophysics at the Single-Molecule Level, in Organic Mesoscopic Chemistry, H. Masuhara & F.C. DeSchrijver eds., Blackwell.
Th. Schmidt, P. Hinterdorfer and H. Schindler (1999) Microscopy for Recognition of Individual Biomolecules, Microscopy Research and Technique, 44, 339.
G.S. Harms, M. Sonnleitner, G.J.Schütz, H.J. Gruber and T.Schmidt (1999) Single-Molecule Anisotropy Imaging, Biophys.J, 77, 2864.
[DOI] [pdf]
M. Sonnleitner, G.J.Schütz and T.Schmidt (1999) Imaging Individual Fluorophores by 2-Photon Microscopy, Chem.Phys.Lett, 300, 221.
A. Sonnleitner, G.J.Schütz and T.Schmidt (1999) Free Brownian Motion of Individual Lipid Molecules in Biomembranes, Biophys.J, 77, 2638.
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W. Trabesinger, G.J.Schütz, H.J.Gruber, H. Schindler and T.Schmidt (1999) Detection of Individual Oligonucleotide Pairing by Single Molecule Microscopy, Anal.Chem, 72, 270.
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G.J.Schütz, W. Trabesinger and T.Schmidt (1998) Direct Observation of Ligand Colocalization on Individual Receptor Molecules, Biophys.J, 74, 2223.
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G.J.Schütz, H.Schindler and T.Schmidt (1997) Single Molecule Microscopy on Model Membranes Reveals Anomalous Diffusion, Biophys.J, 73, 1073.
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G.J.Schütz, H.Schindler and T.Schmidt (1997) Imaging Single Molecule Dichroism, Opt.Lett, 22, 651.
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G.J.Schütz, H.J.Gruber, H.Schindler and T.Schmidt (1997) Fluorophores for Single Molecule Microscopy, J.Luminescence, 72-74, 18.
T.Schmidt, P.Hinterdorfer and H.Schindler (1997) Mikroskopie zur Erkennung einzelner Biomoleküle (Microscopy for Recognition of Individual Biomolecules), Laser&Optolektronik, 29, 56.
T.Schmidt, G.J.Schütz, H.J.Gruber and H.Schindler (1996) Local Stoichiometries Determined by Counting Individual Molecules, Anal.Chem., 68, 4397.
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T.Schmidt, G.J.Schütz, W.Baumgartner, H.J.Gruber and H.Schindler (1996) Imaging of Single Molecule Diffusion., Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA, 93, 2926.
T.Schmidt, G.J.Schütz, W.Baumgartner H.J.Gruber and H.Schindler (1995) Characterization of Photophysics and Mobility of Single Molecules in a Fluid Lipid Membranes., J.Phys.Chem., 99, 17662.
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